What is the SCQF for?

Before the SCQF, there was no easy way for learners, employers, education establishments, training providers etc. to describe, compare and understand different qualifications. Now with the SCQF it is easy to see that e.g. a National Progression Award at SCQF Level 5 is at the same level as a National 5.

Most Scottish universities, colleges and many employers now use SCQF levels to describe their courses or entry requirements, so you can see if you meet expectations more easily

Just under 10% of qualifications on the SCQF are Highers or Nationals

 The SCQF can:

  • help you plan your learning and develop progression routes to follow
  • help employers understand your qualifications
  • help universities or colleges identify the level you have studied at in a particular subject, and make it easier to transfer credit/s and thus avoid repetition of learning e.g. if you achieve an HNC qualification in school, you might go straight to Year 2 of a college and university course as Year 1 is at SCQF level 7 (which you have already achieved studying at school).

The SCQF Framework - Scotland’s National Qualification Framework

Qualifications delivered in St Mungo’s High School are credit rated and mapped as part of the Scottish Credit and Qualification Framework (SCQF) – right. This framework allows for the wide range of qualifications we deliver (Nationals, Highers, National Progression Awards, Leadership etc.) to be recognised and built on.

The framework covers learning in all settings; St. Mungo’s, college, university, youth clubs and work-based learning, thus allowing employers, colleges, training providers and universities to recognise these qualifications, which opens up many more opportunities for learners. Understanding and using this qualification framework will help students and their families to plan journeys through S4-S6 and beyond St Mungo’s as the SCQF supports lifelong learning.

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Get to know the SCQF: A guide for parents and carers

Did you get your O’ Grades in the ‘70s or ‘80s?
Then it’s possible you were a Glam rocker or a
New Romantic – nothing ‘Ordinary’ about that.
But do you know what qualifications your
child is taking now?

Find Out Here

How does the SCQF work?

The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework has 12 levels and is mapped from level 1 to level 12. The different levels indicate the difficulty of a particular qualification, with level 12 being the most challenging. Once you have achieved a level, you move onto the next one.

These levels range from Level 1, which starts at school, and goes right up to Level 12 which results in a Doctoral Degree. In St. Mungo’s, we offer qualifications up to SCQF Level 7.

The SCQF will not help you get a job directly, but it allows you to demonstrate the knowledge and skills you have gained. You might see a job advert asking for qualifications at SCQF level 5 and you are able to show that your qualifications match.

The SCQF will allow learners to understand the benefit and value of vocational qualifications. We work in partnership with colleges, employers and other schools to deliver industry recognised qualifications including HNCs, Foundation Apprenticeships, SVQs & NPAs. These qualifications have SCQF levels tagged to them, so vocational and academic qualifications are of equal value in the SCQF.

Click here or scan the QR code to be taken to the SCQF website