SQA Past Papers
e-Sgoil is now accepting student registrations for its programme of real time interactive Study Support. These sessions are designed to complement classwork, not replace it. Please register here!
Click the hyperlink to access the weekly timetable for the subjects on offer at different levels from National 4 to Advanced Higher.
Webinars for English, Maths, Social Subjects and Sciences start in the week beginning 26 Sep 2022. All other webinars start w.b. 31 October.
As part of the national learning offer, all students across Scotland can access to the many learning resources developed by West OS.
They have created 2800 recorded resources that can complement class lessons. Click right or here to view resources (by subject) via your GLOW launch pad
FV Regional Improvement Collaborative Resources
Click here to view these resources at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher Levels.
BBC Bitesize
To personalise your Bitesize materials and visit your learner sites you will need to register with BBC Bitesize
National Parent Forum Of Scotland
Pointers for parents. This guide has been produced by the National Parent Forum of Scotland
The ‘In a Nutshell’ series is designed to support parents/carers at home to help their child through the National Qualifications.
Included in this resource is information about the new qualifications as well as resources to support learning and revision IN A NUTSHELL
The Science of Learning
“When we think about learning, we typically focus on getting information into students’ heads. What if, instead, we focus on getting information out of students’ heads?”
Retrieval practice is a research-based strategy that raises students’ performance. When students retrieve and bring information to mind, this produces long-term learning.
Watch the video below on how retrieval practice works
The Science Behind Revision
SQA Supports
View the support section from the SQA website which includes ‘My Coursework’ booklets and advice on preparing for exams.
Coping With Exam Stress
Coping with exam stress
Information and guidance from Young Minds